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Weekly Announcements for January 28th

Weekly Announcements for January 28th

Dear Our Savior Lutheran Church & Friends,

The name for this Sunday's Divine Service is - Septuagesima Sunday, or 70 Days before Easter.  The theme is Grace Alone.  Paul compares the Christian life to a runner and a boxer.  A runners is determined to finish the race.   A boxer is determined to land his punches on his opponent.  So also, Paul is determined to remain in the grace of God alone.  Come and let us hear how we may do the same.

The Adult Bible Study is on the second half of John 12.  John summarizes the teaching of Jesus' three year public ministry for us. 

Before we get to the announcements, here is what happened last week:

Sunday Divine Service video and written sermon.  We observed the Transfiguration of Our Lord.

Wednesday Matins Service video.  It was a day of commemoration for St. Timothy.

Thank you for all your prayers and offerings.

Now for the Weekly Announcements:

NEW APPROACH TO VISITATIONS After discussing this briefly with the Elders, I will start organizing my visits in coordination with Elder Groups.  For example, this week Bob Husband is assisting with communion, so I will focus on the members of Bob’s group.  However, I will meet with anyone as needs arrive.  My hope is that visits and the care of your souls outside Sunday mornings, will be a little more deliberate.  I will explain this more in the February Newsletter and in Bible studies.  Also, feel free to stop in during scheduled Office Hours as well.  Thank you and God bless you.  Pastor Pautz

THANK YOU to everyone who attended last week’s Potluck.  And thank you to the Board of Evangelism for sponsoring and organizing it.

THANK YOU to the congregation’s voting members who attended last week’s Voters’ Assembly.

THE 2018 FLOWER CHART is posted on the easel; take a minute to see if there is a date you would like to provide flowers for a special occasion on a particular Sunday just add your name and the occasion.

LENTEN MEAL The easel in the narthex has a sign up sheet for the Ash Wednesday, February 14th Lenten Meal the LWML will serve.  Please sign up where you can help in filling the needs requested.  Thank you!  

WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS by email is available.  If you would like your name added or removed, please contact Pastor Pautz and let him know.  Also, updates are available by Liking and Following the church’s Facebook Page at:  https://www.facebook.com/oursaviorlutheranmuscatine/

WHY? Why do we make the sign of the cross?  Well, you don’t have to make a sign of the cross.  However, since the early history of the church, the sign of the cross was used by Christians to remember the promise our Lord made to them in Holy Baptism.  The words said along with making the sign of the cross is the full name of the Holy Trinity, to whom you now belong.  Whether you make the sign of the cross or not, it is always good to remember and make use of your baptism.


Organist           Susan Eversmeyer

Elder Group     Bob Husband   

Acolyte Zach Stoltzfus

Greeters John & Karen Schaub



(70 Days Before Easter)

Sunday, January 28th  at 9:00am  &  Monday, January 29th at 6:00pm

Service   151      Introit            in bulletin      

Hymns   566(1-4),  555(1-4), 555(5-10),  618, 563, 543, 802, 566(5-6)




08:00am Individual Absolution   

09:00am Divine Service

10:30am Sunday School


01:00pm Sunnybrook Bible study    

02:00pm  Homebound Visits         

04:00pm Office Hours

06:00pm Divine Service


06:30am Men’s Bible Study    

09:00am Matins Service    

09:30am Women’s Bible Study      

04:00pm Office Hours

06:30pm Choir Practice

06:15pm Weekday School


08:00am Individual Absolution   

09:00am Divine Service                         

10:30am Sunday School


Looking Ahead: Wednesday, February 14th is not only Valentine’s Day but also Ash Wednesday.  We will observe Ash Wednesday with a Divine Service with the offering of the ashes.  The ashes remind us of the declaration given by our Lord in Genesis 3:19, “From dust you came and to dust you will return.”



+Salem Osland (Darin’s wife) hip surgery +Juliette (John & Carolyn Yeater’s great-granddaughter) heart surgery +Isabella Valenzuela (Jerry & Peggy Hart’s granddaughter) bone marrow transplant +John Francis (Mary’s husband) treatment +Tom Van Hemert  (Liz’s husband) seminary student - contact information is located in the Narthex +Lucille Wingerter - homebound +Marvin (Bud) Plank - homebound +Lillian Graf - homebound during the winter months. +Will Hirschfeld (Joel & Betsy’s son) a happy birthday and for providing today’s altar flowers.